7 is known as “Lucky Seven”. No other number in the 1-10 group has this mystical charm, significance or pious references. 7 colours of Rainbow, 7 stanzas of Poetry, 7 notes of Music, 7, the stand-alone number of Mathematics, 7 sins, 7 Wonders of the world, 7 days of creation of the world, 7 horses…

7 is known as “Lucky Seven”. No other number in the 1-10 group has this mystical charm, significance or pious references. 7 colours of Rainbow, 7 stanzas of Poetry, 7 notes of Music, 7, the stand-alone number of Mathematics, 7 sins, 7 Wonders of the world, 7 days of creation of the world, 7 horses of Surya Dev, 7 heavens of Allah and it goes on adding many more to the septet.  

Following this symbolism, I thought of penning 7 secrets of wealth creation titled as “7 Horses and a Wealthy Chariot”. Mostly inspired by the chariot of God Surya.

Sun has a special place in everyone’s life. I love Sunrise but not the sunshine. I enjoy the magnificent sunrise in the east travelling over our heads to set the day with an ever more romantic twilight in the west.

This love affair of mine had a significant influence on my financial advisory business too. For me, sunshine is the result of the rightful usage of our resources while the risen sun is up and above. You miss it, you lose it.

Some of the references in this writeup may have theological and mythological overtones, consider them as simple expressions of a writer who is trying hard to make life simpler.

Gayatri, means the Mother of the Vedas. If I have to equate this into wealth creation, then Portfolio Review comes closer to its meaning

How important is a periodical Portfolio Review?
There are many schools of thoughts with contradictory stands in this regard. I am of the opinion that, “You must do it yearly or in some cases half yearly.” Anything less than that is a circus and not doing it at all is suicidal.

Vrihati, that is the name of the second horse of Surya Dev. It encompasses botanical, medical, and cultural aspects, making its meaning as multifaceted a term as Asset Allocation.

Why should an Investor follow this tedious process maintaining a particular percentage of portfolio only into a designated asset?
Most of the sad stories of the investors have one undisputable common factor – mismanaged investment strategy with skewed asset allocation. Recently one of my IAS clients told with a bit of remorse. “The stocks “I have selected” is not performing as expected, nonetheless, I am happy that your selected Mutual Funds portfolio is incredibly satisfying in its growth.”

In my last “Good Day To Buy” WhatsApp message, I mentioned these alphanumeric codes – 40LC:20MC:20SC:20HR. Surprisingly most of my investors followed my teams decision of allocation and a handful of people questioned its logic. I often end the conversation with a simple submissive statement, “Pray, you tell us what to do, we are more than happy to follow.” I just pass the ball to them to play or be the playmaker.

Ushnik, 3rd horse of the chariot, translates as Vedic Meter. If there is one aspect of Wealth Management which can connect to this is definitely the FIRE and Family Goals, we set in motion to achieve over a period of time.

Goals are commitments, anything less than that is not a goal at all. If you are reading this, your parents made a commitment to educate you. If you got this in your inbox, then you are in my list and I have a commitment to fulfil. Last but not the least, if you are my investor client, then we have dreams and destinations to realise. Bigger the goal, tougher to reach. Tougher the journey, joyous the results.

I read something very intriguing about Surya Dev. Even after being omnipotent, He had a charioteer named Aruna. The warrior Arjuna had Lord Krishna. Emperor Chandragupta had Chanakya. The gist of the story is if you have goals, you need an advisor – #AdvisorZarooriHai.

Jagati, 4th horse among the seven. The meaning of this is foundation and speed. No creation is possible without a foundation, no base will ever be created without adequate speed.

Deployment of investable surplus at the right time, creates a stronger base to build your wealthy castle brick by brick. Spending wisely and saving yourself from non-discretionary spending will help you lay more bricks on the walls of your building. “An investment you make today, helps you buy a comfortable day in the future after your retirement”, so goes the saying.

Trishtup and Anushtup – According to Vedas, everything in the Universe has a heart- beat and a periodicity. When you carefully look into the world around us, we see lots of patterns. Divinity of rhythm. The 5th and 6th horses of Surya Dev are named after this natural phenomenon of creation.

Does this exist in Stock Market and Mutual Funds?
I can see the millions of patterns, periodicity, graphs and rhythm all around. They give you 2 very important facts about our wealth creation journey – Sampoorna Suraksha and Periodic Income. The matrix that we need to have both at the same time is the key to legacy and never drying source of income. I have witnessed investors arguing about the veracity of Suraksha and Income, to that my answer has always been same. How can you learn swimming sitting in a class room? Jump into the shallow water now and then test the high seas.

Come onboard to experience the magic of wealth management and swim with us to be a master of your own money.

Pankti, is the 7th horse of the chariot. Excel sheet, balance sheet, cash surplus tracker to many things that we do have rows, ranges, and lines. This word also has a beautiful meaning – One that carries a sense of devotion and servitude to God.

When I asked Ms Roma, “Can you tell me what is that one thing of paramount importance and least practiced in personal wealth creation?
Pat came the reply, Delayed Gratification, I couldn’t agree more.

The present “Instant Fame, Fast Food, Situationship and I care a F” generation has one major achievement to boast – “I live in the moment”. Unfortunately, they run out of cash by the 10th of the month. They have dubious distinction of cheque bounces, unpaid Credit Card bills, multiple loan overheads and very low CIBIL scores.

I know I have no right to point out these things. But my heart skips a beat when I seen them struggle. If this has that Déjà vu, then you need to tie up the loose ends and hop on to the chariot Trackfinder Financial Services LLP created with charioteers’ par excellence.

Join our Millionaire Club and move along with us to Mission 2030. Trust me you will have a lot to cheer at the other side of the 7 seas.

Warm Regards
Antony, The Wealth Farmer.

Response to “7 Horses and a Wealthy Chariot”

  1. Captain Nathal Miranda

    You blown me ….
    The co relation of the Surya Dev’s chariot and wealth asset management is phenomenal
    The thing which I could read between the lines is that 7 has a long way to go,a never ending voyage which you envisioned .
    All the more the mythological connotation is amazing
    Loved your blog !


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